Editing Your Campaign/Mailing in MyEmma
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This guide was created or last modified prior to 2019, and screenshots or individual steps may now be out of date. If you need assistance with the steps below, please email the Help Desk at ts@dornsife.usc.edu.
There are many customization options available within MyEmma. Each content region contains editing bars to help you achieve the affects you desire. Follow the steps in this topic to use the editing bars.
Using the Content Region Editing Bar
MyEmma provides the ability to add content regions to your mailing/campaign. Use the descriptions provides below to assist you in adding content regions to your mailing.
Content Region Editing Bar Item
When dragged and dropped into your mailing/campaign, the Left option creates a text and image field, wherein the image is on the left and the text is on the right.
When dragged and dropped into your mailing/campaign, the Right option creates a text and image field, wherein the image is on the right and the text is on the left.
When dragged and dropped into your mailing/campaign, the Text option creates a text field.
When dragged and dropped into your mailing/campaign, the Image option creates an insertion point for an image file to be added.
When dragged and dropped into your mailing/campaign, the Follow option inserts social media icons. After you have dropped the Follow option into your mailing, a screen similar to the following displays.
Enter your social media information in the appropriate fields. You can select the icons you would like to use and their position and alignment on the page. When you have finished making selections, select the Save option.
When dragged and dropped into your mailing/campaign, the Video option inserts a preview of a Vimeo or YouTube video. After you have dropped the Video option into your mailing, a screen similar to the following displays.
Enter your video information in the appropriate fields. When you have finished making selections, select the Insert Video option.
When dragged and dropped into your mailing/campaign, the Divider option inserts a horizontal line divider into the mailing. You can use the Divider option to create sections in your mailing.
When dragged and dropped into your mailing/campaign, the HTML option creates a field into which you can enter custom HTML code in order to achieve a specific effect or insert specific content.
When dragged and dropped into your mailing/campaign, the Button
option inserts a button into your mailing. After inserting the button, select the button with your mouse cursor. A screen similar to the following displays.
From this screen, you can customize the look of the button and designate the button's destination (i.e., what website the button launches upon selection).
When dragged and dropped into your mailing/campaign, the Events
option inserts an Eventbrite event into your mailing.
When dragged and dropped into your mailing/campaign, the Survey
option inserts a Surveymonkey survey into your mailing.
Use these options to edit your campaign/mailing as needed.
Insert a Content Region Editing Bar
- Log into MyEmma and open the campaign with which you are working. On the left side of the screen the Content Region Editing Bar is displayed. The Content Region Editing Bar provides the ability to insert content regions into the mailing you are creating.
- To insert a new region, select the content region you want to insert by holding down the left mouse button. Then, drag the new content region to the location within your
mailing where you want to insert the region. Yellow arrows labeled DROP are displayed as you drag the new content region into your mailing.
- Release the mouse button and the new content region is insert.
Your content region has been inserted. Repeat these steps to insert content regions into your campaign/mailing.
Using the Content-specific Editing Bars
The content regions of campaigns in MyEmma contain two editing bars. When a content region of a campaign is selected, the editing bars display. To begin working with the editing bars, complete the following steps.
- Log into MyEmma and open the campaign with which you are working. Select a content region so that the region is "active." The editing bars display.
- The editing bar at the top of the screen is very similar to the editing bar in other programs, such as Microsoft Word. Use this editing bar to adjust the font, font size,
use of bold, use of italics, or to insert an underline or hyperlink.
Place your mouse over the options within the menu to view the pop-up text for each item, then choose the action you want to take. When a region is active, a yellow outline appears around that section and a small menu bar appears above the section. From this menu bar you can make a copy of the region, move the region by clicking and dragging the section to a different location within the campaign, delete the region, or adjust settings and styles for the region by selecting the Gear icon.
- After the Gear icon is selected, a pop-up menu displays. The pop-up menu contains two sets of editing features: Settings and Styles. By default, Settings is the editing menu displayed. The Settings menu should appear similarly to the image below.
Adjust the following options on the Settings menu, as is appropriate.
Text: To allow text in this region, select the On option.
Wrapping: To wrap the text around a picture, select the On option.
Images: To allow images in this region, select the On option.
Count: To increase the number of image placeholders, select the + button.
Smart sizing: To allow auto-adjustment of the image size for the best display, select the On option.
Captions: To provide the ability to insert image captions, select the On option.
Position: Select the alignment for this region. You can choose Left, Right, or Centered.
- Select the Styles button at the top of the screen to display the Styles menu options. The Styles menu should appear similarly to the image below.
- Adjust the following options on the Styles menu, as is appropriate.
Background: Select this option to choose a background color for the region being edited.
Margin: Select this option to adjust the left-side margin for text.
Padding: Select this option to adjust the white space in this region.
Border: Select this option to adjust the border spacing around this region.
Style: Select this option to choose the type of border you want displayed around this region.
Color: Select this option to choose the color of the border for this region.
This menu displays a Gear icon at the bottom. Select the Gear icon to display value regions related to the Margin, Padding, and Border settings. You can enter exact values in place of using the slider adjustment options.
- When you have finished making adjustments, select the Save button to save your changes.
Your content has been edited. Repeat these steps to make additional edits to your campaign.
Using the Columns, Backdrop, and Template Editing Bar
Located on the top left of the Campaign Editing screen is the Columns, Backdrop and Template Editing Bar. This editing bar provides the ability to insert columns, change the background color of the campaign, and adjust the template's background color as well as the side borders of the campaign. These options should only be used if the default template does not fit your needs.
- Log into MyEmma and open the campaign with which you are working. On the top left side of the screen the Columns, Backdrop and Template Editing Bar is displayed.
- Select the menu item with which you want to work. A drop-down menu will appear for each item.
- Select the option you want to change from the drop-down menu and make the appropriate adjustments.
- Save the changes you make, when you are finished.
Your content regions have been redesigned using one of these options. Repeat these steps to use the Columns, Backdrop and Template Editing Bar.