Zoom's cloud recording feature allows you to record your meeting/webinar to the Zoom cloud. In this guide, we review your options for sharing your Zoom cloud recordings with USC and non-USC viewers.
Be aware that, by default, Zoom auto-deletes your recording once 365 days have elapsed from the date the recording was made. If you are looking for more information on changing the auto-delete setting or downloading your recording before the auto-delete date, you can view our related guide, "Downloading Zoom cloud recordings and customizing auto-delete settings."
Please note that these steps apply to Zoom cloud recordings (i.e. you clicked on "Record to the cloud" during your Zoom meeting or webinar). If you selected "Record to this computer," your recording was not saved to the Zoom cloud but rather locally to your computer directly.
Sharing Brightspace-generated Zoom class recordings with USC students
If you are a Dornsife instructor, then as long as you are using the Brightspace-generated Zoom links for your class sessions, your classes are automatically recorded. No further action is needed on your part. For more information about Brightspace classes and Zoom meetings, refer to the following guide:
(Not using the Brightspace-generated Zoom links for your class sessions? Please refer to our instructions below, "Sharing Zoom recordings with USC members.")
Instructions for students
Students needing to view a Zoom recording for a Brightspace class can follow these instructions:
While it does take Zoom a little time after the class to process the recording and make it available, the recording is usually available by later the same day—so if the student doesn't see the recording for the class yet, they can wait an hour or so and then check back.
Sharing Zoom recordings with USC viewers
Only people with USC Zoom accounts—typically, USC faculty, staff, students, and iVIPs—have permission to view Zoom cloud recordings made within USC, and they can only stream (and not download) the recording. These settings cannot be changed on your account: USC has them in place for security reasons. If you want to provide a downloadable video recording file to USC viewers, please refer to our instructions for "Downloading Zoom cloud recordings and customizing auto-delete settings."
Quick guide
- Go to https://usc.zoom.us/recording and locate your recording.
- Click on Share…
- Click on Copy Sharing Information.
- The shareable Zoom recording link is copied. You can now paste it into Outlook, Gmail, Slack, or any other preferred communication tool to send the link to viewers within USC.
Detailed guide (with screenshots)
- Go to https://usc.zoom.us/recording.
- The Shibboleth login page displays. Log in using your USC credentials.

- The Duo screen displays. Follow the on-screen prompt to complete authentication.

- Locate your recording and click on Share…

- Click on Copy Sharing Information.

- The shareable Zoom recording link is copied to your clipboard. You can now paste it into Outlook, Gmail, Slack, or any other preferred communication tool, and send the link to viewers within USC.
Sharing Zoom recordings with non-USC viewers
If you want to share your recording with non-USC viewers, you must take the following steps:
- If you haven't already, download the Zoom cloud recording that you are trying to share:
- Now, upload your video file to Google Drive or Microsoft OneDrive and generate a sharing link:
Customizing a Zoom recording's sharing settings for USC viewers
In some cases, you may want to further restrict access to the recording beyond USC's default settings. For instance, instructors may want to further limit who can view class recordings or may want to check whether students who are unable to attend the live class have watched the recording. You can view and apply any or all of the sharing settings we discuss below using the Zoom website.
Remember, only USC viewers can view (and not download) your Zoom recordings. It is not possible to change your Zoom recording's sharing settings so that it can be shared with non-USC viewers.
Finding a recording's sharing settings
Detailed guide (with screenshots)
- Go to https://usc.zoom.us and click on Sign in.

- The Shibboleth login page displays. Log in using your USC credentials.

- The Duo screen displays. Follow the on-screen prompt to complete authentication.

- Click on Recordings in the left-hand menu.

- Find your recording and click on Share…

- The following options display:
Understanding the sharing settings
Add expiry date to the link
Setting an expiration date on your Zoom recording link means that anyone with that link will no longer be able to view the recording after that date. This only affects the shared link for the recording: the original recording stays on your account until its automatic deletion (365 days after the recording was created).
On-demand (registration required)
Password protection
Setting a password ensures that even if the link to the recording gets shared, the viewer will need to also have received the password to view the recording.
Troubleshooting: what if I can't find my recording?
If you went to https://usc.zoom.us/recording but cannot locate your recording, one of the following situations may have occurred:
The recording was made very recently and Zoom hasn't finished processing it yet
Wait and check back in a few hours. It does take Zoom a little time to process the recording and make it available, but in most cases the recording is available by later the same day. Processing time just depends on how many other user recordings Zoom is processing at the same time.
The recording was made more than 365 days ago
USC Zoom accounts are set to auto-delete recordings 365 days after their creation. For more information about this, including how to download your Zoom recordings prior to the auto-delete date and how to disable auto-delete on specific recordings, view our guide, "Downloading Zoom cloud recordings and customizing auto-delete settings."
Contributor(s): Brandon Chau.