Dornsife department senior administrators and Faculty Affairs staff can sponsor non-USC individuals for electronic access to services that are normally restricted to active USC faculty, staff, and students. Follow the guide below to sponsor an affiliate at USC Dornsife.
About the affiliate program
Sponsoring an affiliate within USC Dornsife
Step 1: Gather the necessary information
- Obtain the following information from the individual:
- Legal first and last name
- Non-USC email address
- Confirm the following information with your department:
- Duration for which the individual will require access
- Whether the individual is receiving a Dornsife academic appointment (any title containing "Faculty" or "Scholar" in the name)
Step 2: Submit an iVIP request in myDornsife
Quick guide
- Make sure you are connected to the USC network via Ethernet, USC Secure Wireless, or VPN.
- Go to https://mydornsife.usc.edu.
- If prompted, sign in using your USC NetID and passphrase, and complete Duo verification.
- In the right column, click the Administrative tab.
- Click IVIP Request.
- In the left menu, click Add Request.
- In the Type field, select the appropriate option. Note that any title containing "Faculty" or "Scholar" is considered a Dornsife academic appointment and will route to the relevant Dean's office for approval.
- Fill out the form. You can leave fields blank if they request personal information about the sponsoree that you do not have (for instance, their date of birth or permanent address).
- Once you reach the bottom of the form:
If you had to leave personal information fields blank: Click Save & Send Email to Sponsoree. The sponsoree will receive a link to securely enter their personal information (this is a more secure method than asking the sponsoree to email you directly with their information).
If you were able to complete all fields: Click Submit Request.
If you selected Save & Send Email to Sponsoree
The sponsoree will receive an email with the subject line "USC Electronic Access - Additional Information Required." They must click the link in that email, create a login, and fill out their information.
Once they have done this, you will receive an email with the subject line "IVIP Sponsoree has filled out their information." Return to the request form (https://mydornsife.usc.edu > Administrative tab > IVIP Request). Review the form and click Submit Request.
Detailed guide (with screenshots)
- Make sure you are connected to the USC network via Ethernet, USC Secure Wireless, or VPN.
- Go to https://mydornsife.usc.edu.
- If prompted, sign in using your USC NetID and passphrase, and complete Duo verification.
- In the right column, click the Administrative tab.

- Click IVIP Request.

- In the left menu, click Add Request.

- In the Type field, select the appropriate option. Note that any title containing "Faculty" or "Scholar" is considered a Dornsife academic appointment and will route to the relevant Dean's office for approval.

- Fill out the form. You can leave fields blank if they request personal information about the sponsoree that you do not have (for instance, their date of birth or permanent address).
- Once you reach the bottom of the form:
If you had to leave personal information fields blank: Click Save & Send Email to Sponsoree. The sponsoree will receive a link to securely enter their personal information (this is a more secure method than asking the sponsoree to email you directly with their information).

If you were able to complete all fields: Click Submit Request.
If you selected Save & Send Email to Sponsoree
The sponsoree will receive an email with the subject line "USC Electronic Access - Additional Information Required." They must click the link in that email, create a login, and fill out their information.
Once they have done this, you will receive an email with the subject line "IVIP Sponsoree has filled out their information." Return to the request form (https://mydornsife.usc.edu > Administrative tab > IVIP Request). Review the form and click Submit Request.
Step 3: Confirmation
Your request is processed within 1–3 business days. Once it's processed, you will receive an email from dtsweb@dornsife.usc.edu containing your form submission details and "Admin Comments" containing important information for you and your affiliate. The affiliate you sponsor will have USC services beginning on the start date.
Step 4: Email the setup guide to the affiliate
As your affiliate's sponsor, you are their primary contact at USC. Please reach out to your affiliate and relay any relevant information you deem appropriate, especially from the "Admin Comments" in your confirmation email from dtsweb@dornsife.usc.edu.
Send your affiliate the following link so they can activate their account and access USC electronic services:
(Optional) Step 5: Submit a Dornsife Account request
A Dornsife Account is required if the affiliate needs to access:
- Dornsife departmental network printers
- Dornsife departmental computers
- Dornsife departmental network drives or shared folders
If the affiliate requires access to any of the above and has not previously had a Dornsife Account, you can place a request:
The affiliate will receive an email confirmation once their Dornsife Account has been created (allow 24 hours for processing).
A note about affiliate end dates
The affiliate's end date is the last day that the affiliate can access USC electronic services. You will receive an email reminder 14 days before the end date, and can turn this notification off by following our guide:
Contributors: Chris Huntley, Han Tran.